Weather - Release Notes

Version 0.1.1 - 2008/09/01
List of Fixed Bugs
- 2085506 - Installer Database configuration fails
Version - 2007/02/21
There were couple of complains that the weather plug-in doesn't function. The cause was CURL PHP extension. HTTP_Request PEAR package was a good replacement which will function in any PHP installation with access to outside world. So now dependancy on CURL for the PHP proxy is no more.
List of new features
- Uses HTTP_Request PEAR package instead of CURL for the plug-in php proxy
Version - 2007/02/12
List of fixed bugs
- 1652688 - Wellington, New Zealand invalid
- 1653511 - Retrieving Weather information always fail
- 1653499 - All Cities of United States of America are invalid
- 1652672 - Noman's land causes a SimpleXML error
List of new features
- Loading indicator for the weather plug-in[Don't get bored :)]
(Only with MOHA Chat 0.1b8)
Version 0.1 - 2007/02/06
Initial public release. Smart and robust weather result retrieval framework. Uses Yahoo! Weather feeds to get weather infomation and Yahoo! Search API to learn about new locations.
List of features
- Type in the location to receive weather updates
- Capable of displaying temperature and visibility in metric and british units
- If the system is unaware of a location it will search in yahoo search and try to find whether weather updates are available for the location
- Day time/night time with background and different icons
Last modified on Saturday, 31st August 2024
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