
MOHA Chat - Weather plug-in in adds the ability to obtain weather updates of location of your choice(Yahoo! weather should have a weather feed for the location). Users just have to type in the location name and click go.
Weather or later is compatible with MOHA Chat 0.1b9 or later.
Weather 0.1 is compatible with MOHA Chat 0.1b7 to 0.1b8.
How to use
When you mouse over option pane will be displayed bellow the widget. Type in the city name(If the desired city is not found be more specific by specifying the country and/or state). In the same pane you will find oC(Default) and oF, click on one of those to switch units.
Known Issues
Yahoo! has a quota of 5000 queries per IP per day per API for searching. If you are on a shared host, chances are that many on the same server could be using the web search API and you might not be able to search for new Cities since MOHA Chat Weather plug-in uses Yahoo! web search API.

Last modified on Saturday, 31st August 2024
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