MOHA Chat is a free and open source chat solution. Comes with intuitive web client.
Less resource consuming on server side and fast on client side. Can run on most shared
hosts. Only requires Apache with PHP and MySQL or PostgreSQL on server side. Users can
deploy a chat service in a matter of minutes and their users can use their browsers to
use the service. More...
For a demo click here
Current Release
- MOHA Chat 0.1.1 - | | |
Getting started
Your feedback is very important for improving MOHA Chat. Use trackers and forums on Sourceforge allocated for MOHA Chat to give your valued feedback.
Tracker and Forum Links
- Bug Tracker - If you find any bugs, report bugs in the bug tracker.
- Feature Requests : If you think MOHA Chat is lacking an important feature, post a feature request.
- Open Discussion Forum : If you have trouble using MOHA Chat use any one of the forums.
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Last modified on Saturday, 31st August 2024
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