Release Notes

Version 0.1.1 - 2008/09/01
List of Fixed Bugs
- 2085506 - Installer Database configuration fails
Version 0.1 - 2008/08/31
Since less and less bugs are reported, it is assumed that the product is stable. So MOHA Chat will advance in stability to stable.
List of Fixed Bugs
- 2023239 - htacess is not writeable (installer)
- 1800036 - Installer error
Version 0.1rc1 - 2007/03/09
Since less and less bugs are reported, it is assumed that the product is stable. So MOHA Chat will advance in stability to rc(Release Candidate). If no bugs are reported in the next week a stable release will be made.
List of Fixed Bugs
- 1676637 - None of the messages are received
Version 0.1b10 - 2007/03/06
PostgreSQL support was introduced. Might come in handy if ur chat service becomes popular and you have lot of traffic.
List of Fixed Bugs
- 1665480 - In Firefox on linux
- 1668229 - HTTP Request XML API doesn't work
List of new features
- Database abstraction layer introduced and in full force
- DBA is configurable via the configuration file
- Can support more databses than MySQL
- Supports PostgreSQL with installer
Version 0.1b9 - 2007/02/21
There were couple of complains that the weather plug-in doesn't function. The cause was CURL PHP extension. HTTP_Request PEAR package was a good replacement which will function in any PHP installation with access to outside world. So now dependancy on CURL for the PHP proxy is no more.
List of Fixed Bugs
- 1656310 - Problem with MOHA Database configuration
- 1664504 - Files uploaded cannot be downloaded
List of new features
- Uses HTTP_Request PEAR package instead of CURL for the plug-in php proxy
Version 0.1b8 - 2007/02/12
This release is mainly made to fix few security flaws and to keep uptodate with the prototype Javascript framework.
There are few features introduced as well.
List of Fixed Bugs
- 1655336 - Users don't have to Sign in to use the plug in API
- 1656914 - On Konqueror MOHA chat progress bar is stuck
- 1657400 - On IE Weather is never updated, stuck with the initial report
List of new features
- Upgraded to Prototype 1.5.0 (Javascript framework)
- Force browsers not to cache where necessary(e.g. process.php)
- Removes cache older than one day from the cache folder on *nix systems. (Sorry Windows users)
- It is possible to insert a new line without posting the message (Ctr+Enter)
Version 0.1b7 - 2007/02/06
As suggested by Travis [rennemannt _at_ users _dot_ sourceforge _dot_ net] password security model was moved out of the Users Class. Use $pwAlgo variable in the config/configuration.php to change the password hashing algorithm. Hope extensibility improved with this introduction.
Plug-in architecture was further improved with the new requirements that came with the introduction of the Weather plug-in widget. Plug-ins can now make connections to the external world through a PHP proxy. Further this PHP proxy comes with caching to improve performance.
List of new features
- Password security model was introduced, and it is not part of the Users class
- PHP Proxy for brokering connections to extenal hosts with caching for plug-ins
- Weather plug-in (Weather information courtesy Yahoo! Weather)
List of Fixed Bugs
- 1646079 - Some messages are not even sent to the server
- 1646454 - In IE buttons in user pane are dislocated
- 1650073 - In IE the connection indicator has a opaque background
- 1651346 - Messages are not archived
Version 0.1b6 - 2007/01/24
Plug in architecture was introduced with two things in mind; reduce the file size of main product and enable other developers and 3rd parties to contribute to the projec in the form of plug ins.
Hope you would enjoy it.
Same functionality as previous release when considering the product, but now you have the ability to add on functionality without changing the core product. Small bug fix in the Sign In
List of new features
- HTTP Request XML API - read more
- Plug in architecture introduced
- Smilies, Wiki code, BB code and File sharing are now plugins
List of Fixed Bugs
- 1639696 - When the login credentials are wrong bogus javascript alert
Version 0.1b5 - 2007/01/18
If you found it impossible to install 0.1b4 you should try this release. There were lot of issues in 0.1b4. Any that were discovered were fixed
Same functionality as previous release when considering the product. Major bug fixes in the installer.
List of Fixed Bugs
- 1638586 - Configuration file not writable
- 1638589 - Database test never returns
- 1638820 - Cannot add buddies when the user table is not required
Version 0.1b4 - 2007/01/15
Same functionality as previous release when considering the product. Now a web installer is included, which can be used to install MOHA Chat. File arrangement improvements to smileys were made, now all smileys are only in themes.
Bug fixes
File attachement, there was a bug in the .htaccess file. The URL rewrite was invalid, therefor gave HTTP 404 error when someone tries to download an attachment. It was fixed with the introducation of the web installer. Now the .htaccess file is written at the time of installation.
List of new features
- Web installer
- Smileys in one location
Version 0.1b3 - 2007/01/08
Initial public release. Includes most functionality. But needs some architectural improvements.
List of features
- All messages are encrypted on the wire even without https
- Chat system has the capability to archive all messages. (Could be disabled)
- Smileys are selectable and you don't need to remember the smiley codes
- Most file extensions have MIME icons when files are transferred
- Only buddies appear, not everyone
- Users can remove buddies from their buddy list
- When someone wants to add you as a buddy they need your permission and you can ban a user as well
- Choosable color themes
- Sound alerts (Mutable)
- Custom status messages
- URL and mail addresses are converted to hyper links
- BBCode can be used in chat messages
Last modified on Saturday, 31st August 2024
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